Friday, May 28, 2010

Macro Photography

I'm not usually one to shoot with a macro lens. There is a certain level of patience needed in the ultra close-up world of macro photography which I just don't possess. The spring colors proved too strong and I reverse mounted an old lens on the end of my 85mm f1.8 and went out in search of color. Most of these photos were taken within a few houses of my own. I love the color and I hope you do too.

Here's the whole set from the shoot, ants included.

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Broken Lens

I love my 50mm f1.8 lens. The problem is, the aperture blades are stuck wide open. Lucky for me, that is my favorite setting when using this lens. Even though it is broken, I took it out this weekend and got these great children portraits: